Scene 1a Lilies (Xmas party set up)

It is the evening of December 17th 1929. The wealthy have not yet felt the effects of the market crash. At worst, they have lost "extra money", and the vast majority are still employed.
The Seattle Horticultural Society is hosting a Christmas party for its members in the social hall of the parks glass Conservatory. Outside a gentle snow falls. The coat closet at the entrance is nearly full. There is a massive fireplace in the center of the main wall opposite the entrance. A fire burns brightly. Large burgundy bows hang from freshly made fir wreaths that smell of outdoors and sap. Hot cider is being served to guests. Exotic Palms are laden with heavy green, gold and red Christmas bobbles.
The ban of distilled spirits prevents alcohol from being served at the event.
However, we can see men dousing their punch with hooch from well-concealed hip flasks. In some cases, men hand their flask to their female companions to partake of the stuff as well. Nonetheless, most are pleasantly intoxicated inspite of the ban of liquor.
The discussion revolves around “The less fortunate”. By this time the early lay-offs have hit the country pretty hard. Feigned sorrow filled eyes exchange ignorant rhetoric to one another on the subject of poverty.
We hear bits of conversation reflecting this general ignorance.
(Observing one conversation.)
Man 1: Unions are what has caused all this mess you know.
(Many agree to this.)
Man 2: Imagine, a man demanding to be paid 3 times what his present wage is! It’s bound to cause industry to suffer.
Woman 1: The next thing you know they’ll be demanding champagne be served at their lunch break.
(Followed by a chorus of catty laughter.)
Man 1: I see this as a gift for them really. This is the stuff Americans are made of. 2.5 million unemployed? Just wait, when all this is said and done a good handful of those folks will have learned how to really apply themselves properly.
Ad lib: Here, here! Well said! Couldn't’t have said it better myself!
Inevitably we find Anne. She is the curator of the conservatory. She has grown many of the botanics on display this evening. She is a true admirer of strange and unusual plant specimens. She has an impeccable eye and is a great asset to the conservatory.
At present she is perusing various displays. Some of the specimens have been shipped in for the event and are new to Anne. She seems uninterested in socializing, save for discussions on horticulture.
She has found quite a unique specimen among the Araceae display. Inspired, she reaches into her handbag, produces a note pad and pencil jots some down comments and a rough sketch.
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