The Spider and the Dragon

"Something of value?  Let me see!" 

Between the crisp sheets she intertwines her webs.

Lattice lines, words layered top over bottom, she leaves them there

and goes underground, peering out into the expanse of the city from below....she waits.

Has anyone come?  Have there been any bites? "Oh what to do with all these hands?"

Behind gutter grates her eyes alight waiting to catch one true soul among the liars.

"Ahh, this bed of treasure!"  

Mellifluous, he makes music of needles, but never love songs.

Costumed in ripped sacks, many believe him to be a butcher and 

when he spits fire no one gets any ideas!

He plays with knives and kisses girls that run with lollypops.

But under his gilded scales he longs to be touched, to hang on someone's lips and

 be read to until he falls asleep. "Am I too large to ever be held?

The Siren calls them both, she wants to make amends, this time she isn't lying!

But the Dragon blows noble smoke and rolls in his gold.

Scuttling in the shadows the spider sees a  shape, could this be the one? She hides her face.

Neither will come to the rocks where the Siren has called.

She keens for them both, she knows about the Spiders busy hands, her words and empty web.

She laments for the Dragons gold and his desire to be brought to into Ballad.

She really shouldn't have lied for all those years!


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