The Bloodletter


I fell in love with a bloodletter

and longed to see him more!

Saved my pennies everyday 

to lie upon his floor.

His gentle touch, a tender squeeze

how much can I withstand?

A beauty is my bloodletter,

with scalpel in his hand?

Is this general interest?

This sweet phlebotomy?

I noticed from the onset,

that he took such care of me.

First, I took my coat off

for this lavish antidotist.

He watched my arteries and veins,

Impeccable and focused.

A believer! A reliever!

Bade me settle in my skin.

So talked about the healing

and the state I had been in

Then, with brief precision,

It will only hurt a prick

Warm and flowing, letting going

drawing out the sick

Innumerable my visits!

enough that I lost count

my paling skin now growing thin,

not minding bloods amount.

 So more he drew and more I gave.

Our hemophilia!

I bade him please... and stop and whoa

I feared toxemia!

But lying there, now weak and bare

Unbuttoned by the deed

Convinced that it would heal the deep,

Provide me what I need.


Gauze and shoes and shawls and doors

Fatigued and stumbling!

On my way, no words to say

He left me mumbling.

Gaunt and colder than before,

still longed for remedy

I wandered down forgotten streets

now left to memory.

Am I alone my Letter love?

Oh will you make me plea?

Lie a while and show you care

Oh, wont you bleed with me?

Fool I am!

For I mistook a draw to be a daut!

Fine healers do The Letters make

while I, for love had sought!

Oh my Letter, look what you've done!

I'm wanting you to keep,

and know that if I let you stay

I'd let you Let me deep.


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