Jonquil flower

Looking out onto the Puget Sound from his table view on the pier, James eagerly awaited Annes arival to their scheduled lunch together. Everthing was as it should be. James had ordered their Luncheon; drinks, salads, entrees. Now he waited for his date to arrive. Anne would make a suitable match. Their families were of similar financial means. People spoke well of her charms and she had the reputation of being something of a novelty... in spite of her eccentricities. She could be refined. Her parents were gone. She had no husband or prospects. He felt a sense of glee in his position; like a strong hand at a card table on the final turn. She could not refuse him, she would not. He had done well for himself; the youngest banker at his firm, he owned his home and car outright. Several of the women at his mothers weekly bridge game inquired of him regularly on behalf of their daughters. But he wanted Anne. There was something about her that excited him. Her focus,he envied her passion. He wanted it for hmself. He doused his soda with whiskey from his hip flask and looked at his watch. She was a bit late, which was not unlike her. He lit a cigarette. The waitress from the bar looked at him. He winked at her and held her gaze a moment before drinking a deep gulp of his drink. She smiled. The sound of high heels on tile, Anne was in a rush as she sat down removing her gloves. "So sorry to be late, dear James. Thank you for the invitation." He noded, "Are you hungry, Anne?" He rose to kiss her and she turned her cheek to his. "No doubt! Something substantial!. I have been working since dawn." She unfolded her napkin placed it on her lap. Making eye contact with the waiter and waiving him over. James interjected before Anne could speak. "I have ordered Lunch and it will be here shortly" Anne caaried on anyway, "Could we please have some bread and butter before the meal? I am famished." The waitter looked at James for approval. James noded and waved the waiter away. Anne raised her eyebrows, irritated. "A ration on bread this week gentlemen?" James maade light, "Nevermind that Anne. How are you?" Anne gushed, "Fine. It's very busy preparing for the October Masquarade. We are forcing Titans bloom Phase and he is not pleased. I'm afraid he wont be in his full glory because of it. These specimines are forced enough growing in an unatural environment." James assured her, "So long as he bloom our patrons will be more than satisfied for the show. Besides eating and drinking is why they truly come! Especially in times like these." Anne dosn't miss a beat, "Times like these James, Whatever do you mean?" Setting his tea down he sits back, "Havn't you heard? The stocks have been down quite consistantly. Up and down really since March. But down for most part since August. Of couse they will recover. But our patrons have collectively lost quite a bit, no doubt." "Annes eyes wander, "Stocks?" Something is occoured to Anne. Her Fathers estate had left something in it about stocks. She recieved a monthly update but it had always accrued intrest and after a while she quite checking the statements. She had to admit, she knew little about the matter and counted it as a secure provision her father and mother had left to her. Still, to keep up with James' conversation, she inquired,"People have lost in the stock market?" James, minimising the topic "Well yes those who have invested. But nevermind about that. How is the Masqurade? Other than Titan of course? "It's going well? No doubt my Mother is driving you and my father half mad." They both chuckle in understanding. Neverthess, Anne is charitable. "She means well by your father. In fact, I envy them both." James pursues the topic. "Do you Anne? How do you mean?" With her chin on her resting on her hand. "They are different but like minded. Both are in favor of the others success. Quite equitable and complimentary all at once." Enthralled by her accuracy, "Do you, desire that for yourself?" "A good match? Of course!"She replies quickly. The basket of bread arrives at the table. She dives in without delay. James presses the subject, "I hope you count me as more than just a collegue, Anne. "I count you as a friend, James. We played as children." Still eating bread. "Yes, we are friends." He pauses, "Still I wonder if there might be a time where you might consider me as...more than a friend." He reaches for her hand, she impulsively reaches for her glass of water. He pulls his hand back and smooths his hair. The food arrives. There is an akward silences as the fish and salad is served. Anne waits for James to begin eating, but instead of eating he continues. "You see Anne, I would like to see you, more than casually. I would like you to know that you can count on me." She catches his meaning but she is hungry and decides not to address the topic head on. "Thank you ,James. I believe I can count on you." She slices into her fish. He looks on and does the same. They eat their lunch in silence.


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