Chapter 1A-Jackie
Jackie squealed with delight as she rolled on her bed, still in her robe. "Look at this one Sadie! Isn't it lovely!"
A cigarette hung of Sadie's bottom lip as she pinned her stockings tighter to her garter belt beneath her skirt. She glanced at the Magazine that Jackie gushed over and rolled her eyes exhaling a billow of thick smoke. "Don't know why you bother with those! It's a waste of money if you ask me."
Jackie sat up, indignantly. "Say's you! It's culture!"
Sadie brushed her hair at the armoire and scoffed, "Culture! You can't even read!"
"But the pictures Sadie! It's like they don't need words. Look at this house! It's got a garden. I've always wanted a garden!" Jackie set the magazine across the armoire in front of Sadie.
Unmoved Sadie pressed, "You'll need a husband for one of those...and that's not likely to either of us. Get dressed you! We both have our first appointments coming at nine!"
Jackie's tosseled her messy hair and looked into the mirror. "Don't see why we have to bother getting dressed. Their only going to take it off of us anyway!"
"You know how they like to unwrap us..." Sadie undid Jackie's sash.
Jackie laughed "Like presents!" Sadie flung open her friends robe revealing her, bare breasts and panties. Jackie giggled.
Spanking Jackie's bottom "Like candy, if were lucky! Get dressed! The Madame wants us done up and downstairs when they get here! Hurry up! We can talk about your silly magazines later! Come on! You have the Judge today!"
"He loves me!" Jackie smiled sincerely, pulling her dress over her body.
"Maybe he'll buy you that house then! Sit down." Jackie sat down while Sadie arranged her hair properly in a messy bedroom updo the way the Judge liked.
Jackie protested, "He would you me the house! His wife is sick, and he said he would marry me!"
"They all say that for a good stroke, Jackie. Jesus! You really have been reading too many magazines!" Sadie finished Jackie's hair and went to the door. "Well, come on!"
Jackie took one last look at herself in the mirror and pulled one loose hair so as to hang beside her face, just so. She took a deep breath and forced a smile that she wore for the rest of the day and into the night.
Jackie took her new magazine carefully to a shelf containing dozens if not a hundred magazines. She placed it in a certain place and smiled to herself as she ran her fingers over her collection. She flung her robe onto her bed and dressed herself and prepared for her first John of the day.
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