Jackie- Chapter 2 B
"Maybe if you told the Judge, he'd take it on and help ya to it? A charitable mission for Jackie's first cum!" The girls shared a laugh but Sadie was quite serious. " Come on Jackie, it was cute when you were the new girl but it's been long enough! "
"Long enough for what?" Bridgette sauntered in smoking. She was an older whore and was not well kept. She had grotesquely large eyes and lips. She loved to gossip.
"Please Sadie..." It was bad enough being teased by Sadie.
"Our girl here has never cum, Bridge!" Sadie lit her own cigarette an offered one to Jackie, another habit she thought Jackie should take up.
"Can you believe it? Never would have thought it all the noise you make!" Bridgette cackled like she did and Jackie cringed.
Jackie rejected the cigarette Sadie offered her and coughed a little by all the smoke in the room.
"I suppose she's too much of a goody goody. Probably thinks one of 'ems going to come and take her away I bet." This would have been funny had it not been true and Sadie knew where Jackie's fragility lie. "Nothing like that...she missed here calling is all! You should have been an actress!"
"I bet the Judge would do a number on ya if he knew. I'd pay him to do that one thing he does. Jesus he's a tease!" Sadie nodded to Bridgette.
"That's what I keep telling her. Oh Jackie you just have to find the right one, men love that kind of thing it gets them good and ready." Sadie's face flushed thinking about it.
"Who's your next? Maybe he can help."
Jackie swallowed hard. "Mr. Bane." If there was one client who would not help with this kind of thing it was him. The pleasure of a woman was not any of his concern.
The room fell silent. Sadie lit another cigarette. Sadie sat next to Jackie and reached for her hand.
In the next dark hour Jackie would hide herself in her memories of her magazines. She would drift into the pictures with her eyes wide open imagining herself somewhere else in a place that wasn't here doing things that weren't this.
It was then that she was glad for her numbed skin and she wouldn't trade a thousand waves of bliss for one hour of service to Andre Bane.
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